

Din sökning på "*" gav 126325 sökträffar

How can forest biodiversity be mapped to make it easier for landowners to take responsibility?

By therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Therese Ek) - published 6 November 2023 The title above was the theme of the first LU Land breakfast seminar of the autumn. The seminar series aims to underpin current societal challenges related to sustainable land use and highlight these challenges from different perspectives, and make room for further discussions on possible ways forward. Keep rea

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/how-can-forest-biodiversity-be-mapped-make-it-easier-landowners-take-responsibility - 2025-02-27

Now you can submit your contribution to the Swedish Climate Symposium

By therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Therese Ek) - published 20 November 2023 On 15-17 May 2024, SMHI, the strategic research areas MERGE and BECC, and the Bolin Centre for Climate Research invite you to the second Swedish Climate Symposium in Norrköping. A symposium for increased scientific understanding of climate change and its environmental and societal consequences. Climate change

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/now-you-can-submit-your-contribution-swedish-climate-symposium - 2025-02-27

Commonly used pesticides are still harming bees

Published 1 December 2023 A new study from Lund confirms that pesticides commonly used in farmland significantly harm bumblebees. Data from 106 sites across 8 European countries show that despite tightened pesticide regulations, more needs to be done. Despite claims of the world's most rigorous risk assessment process, the use of approved pesticides in European agricultural landscapes still negati

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/commonly-used-pesticides-are-still-harming-bees - 2025-02-27

Opportunities and barriers for carbon storage in agricultural soils

By therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Therese Ek) - published 5 December 2023 What methods can we use to reduce emissions and increase removals of greenhouse gases in agricultural soils? What opportunities and obstacles are there? These questions were discussed at a LU Land breakfast seminar earlier this autumn. The seminar was attended by Katarina Hedlund from Lund University who presen

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/opportunities-and-barriers-carbon-storage-agricultural-soils - 2025-02-27

Professor Henrik Smith receives the Rosén Linnaeus Prize in Zoology

By therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Therese Ek) - published 7 December 2023 A big congratulations to our coordinator Henrik Smith on receiving the Rosén Linnaeus Prize in Zoology from The Royal Physiographic Society of Lund. The Rosén Linnaeus Prize in Botany and Zoology has been awarded every three years since 1935 to Swedish researchers whom the Royal Physiographic Society in Lund co

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/professor-henrik-smith-receives-rosen-linnaeus-prize-zoology - 2025-02-27

SWEPSA annual meeting 2014 in Lund

Published 25 August 2014 Photo: UN CC images Flickr, photographer: Eskinder Debebe The 2014 annual meeting of the Swedish Political Science Association (SWEPSA) will be hosted by the Department of Political Science at Lund University October 8-10. One of the theme workshops will be on Environmental politics and is coordinated by Mikael Kylsäter and Annica Kronsell. The theme of the conference is D

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/swepsa-annual-meeting-2014-lund - 2025-02-27

Three questions to David Wårlind about Swedish Climate Symposium

By therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Therese Ek) - published 29 January 2024 On 15-17 May, the second edition of the Swedish Climate Symposium will take place in Norrköping. The symposium offers is a unique opportunity for scholars and societal actors to seek greater scientific understanding of climate change and its consequences for the environment and society. David Wårlind is part of

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/three-questions-david-warlind-about-swedish-climate-symposium - 2025-02-27

Effects of landscape change on the evolution of pollinators

Published 7 February 2024 Monocultures and the simplification of the agricultural landscape in the last century may have resulted in the disadvantage of specialized pollinators. Photo: Anna Persson An evolutionary perspective should be taken into account to ensure long-term crop pollination. This is the conclusion of an article published by BECC and CEC-affiliated researchers at Lund University. T

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/effects-landscape-change-evolution-pollinators - 2025-02-27

60.000 views on The Conversation in two weeks – what’s the secret?

By therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Therese Ek) - published 8 February 2024 Solar energy production can potentially be subject to future geopolitical maneuvering: if a country builds a lot of solar farms (e.g. in a subtropical desert), it can potentially harm solar power production in other countries. Photo: Xin Jin In just two weeks, Zhengyao Lu, Researcher in Physical Geography at Lu

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/60000-views-conversation-two-weeks-whats-secret - 2025-02-27

Managing clearcuts to favour certain species

By therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Therese Ek) - published 28 March 2024 Clearcutting is often considered negative for biodiversity, which is why continuous cover forestry is seen as a more favourable alternative. But could it be that clearcutting - with proper management from a landscape perspective - could favour certain species? Recently, it has become increasingly common to find b

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/managing-clearcuts-favour-certain-species - 2025-02-27

Alexandra Klein: work, inspiration, and tips from her time as a guest researcher at BECC

By therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Therese Ek) - published 3 April 2024 BECC regularly welcomes guest researchers to work in areas within its scientific framework, with the aim to further strengthen the research and research groups. Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Maria Klein is head of the Chair of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology at the University of Freiburg in Germany, who recently f

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/alexandra-klein-work-inspiration-and-tips-her-time-guest-researcher-becc - 2025-02-27

Two Lund researchers and BECC-PI:s receive prestigious EU grant

By johan [dot] joelsson [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - published 17 April 2024 Lundaforskarna Thomas Pugh och Raimund Muscheler från den naturvetenskapliga fakulteten får ERC Advanced Grant. Foto: Privat/Kenneth Ruona Quaternary geologist Raimund Muscheler and physical geographer Thomas Pugh have been awarded the ERC Advanced Grant by the European Research Council. They will rec

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/two-lund-researchers-and-becc-pis-receive-prestigious-eu-grant - 2025-02-27

Shrinking resource margins in Sahel region of Africa

Published 16 October 2014 Grazing camel in the Kordofan region in Sudan The need for food, animal feed and fuel in the Sahel belt is growing year on year, but supply is not increasing at the same rate. New figures from 22 countries indicate falling availability of resources per capita and a continued risk of famine in areas with low ‘primary production’ from plants. Rising temperatures present an

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/shrinking-resource-margins-sahel-region-africa - 2025-02-27

Experts: Swedish and Russian national security policy

Published 21 October 2014 Kristian Gerner The following Lund University academics are available for commentary and analysis, in light of recent news coverage regarding alleged activity in the Stockholm archipelago:  Mi LennhagPhD student, Department of Political Science, Lund UniversitySwedish foreign and defence policy, Swedish national security as it relates to post-Soviet region, general post-S

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/experts-swedish-and-russian-national-security-policy - 2025-02-27

Secret wing colours attract female fruit flies

Published 22 October 2014 Bright colours appear on a fruit fly’s transparent wings against a dark background as a result of light refraction. Researchers from Lund University in Sweden have now demonstrated that females choose a mate based on the males’ hidden wing colours. A male courting a female (Photo: Qinyang Li) “Our experiment shows that this newly-discovered trait is important in female ch

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/secret-wing-colours-attract-female-fruit-flies - 2025-02-27

Super detector tracks toxic algae

Published 23 October 2014 Lesedi Lebogang A ’super detector’ that can track the traces of a lump of sugar in the Baltic Sea – that was the starting point for a potentially life-saving technique developed at Lund University in Sweden. The method detects toxic algae blooms in drinking water. WATCH: New technique can trace toxic algae in drinking waterA biosensor recently developed at Lund University

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/super-detector-tracks-toxic-algae - 2025-02-27

Mapillary puts your photos on the map

Published 3 November 2014 Mapillary, an app developed by Lund University senior lecturer Jan Erik Solem, crowdsources street view images. The company has now joined forces with OpenStreetMap, the world’s biggest free, editable map service. VIDEO: Mapillary – watch how it works  If you live in a small town, or have booked a vacation in a remote location, you’ve probably encountered this problem: th

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/mapillary-puts-your-photos-map - 2025-02-27

BOOK RELEASE: “Empty Labor: Idleness and Workplace Resistance”

Published 3 November 2014 Roland Paulsen Why do people slack off at work? Last year it was revealed that 20 workers at a big Swedish mining company had been slacking off at work by taking turns clocking each other in and out. The scheme had been going on for several years - supposedly costing the company millions of dollars. How is such major slacking possible? In his new book “Empty Labor: Idlene

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/book-release-empty-labor-idleness-and-workplace-resistance - 2025-02-27

Lactose intolerants at lower risk of certain cancers: study

Published 4 November 2014 Joel Wåreus/imagebank.sweden.se People with lactose intolerance are at lower risk of suffering from lung, breast and ovarian cancers, according to a new study by researchers at Lund University and Region Skåne in Sweden. ”We found that people with lactose intolerance, who typically consume low amounts of milk and other dairy products, have a reduced risk of lung, breast a

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lactose-intolerants-lower-risk-certain-cancers-study - 2025-02-27

Sugar beets could become blood substitute

Published 5 November 2014 Nélida Leiva Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have discovered that sugar beets produce haemoglobin. They now hope that this haemoglobin could serve as a blood substitute – a substance that is currently in short supply.   Watch on YouTube: How to produce haemoglobin from sugar beets “Previously, it has been presumed that certain plants produce this iron protein onl

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/sugar-beets-could-become-blood-substitute - 2025-02-27